Usage |
Headers : nokialib.h (types and API)Linking : must be linked with the application
The application must first call NokiaOpen() to (try to) establish communication with the phone (after IR has been activated on it). It's main argument is a pointer on a callback procedure(FB61MessageDispatcherPtr) which will be called by nokialib for each complete and valid message received from the phone (typicaly a wrapper to FB61_RX_DispatchMessage() of fbus-6110.c). The application calls nokia_SendMessage() to send messages to the phone or (in rare cases) nokia_SetFrame() to send frames. When the communication is opened, the application must call NokiaSleep() or directly NokialibTicks() (~10/s) as often as necessary to receive datas. The communication is closed with NokiaEndOfOperation();
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