o NokiaSleep
Sleeps and checks for datas available from IR (to emulate some sort of multithreading :-).
o delay_loop
Internal use.
o NokiaTicks
Heartbeat of nokialib (hook to call repeatedly (~10/s), from NokiaSleep for exemple )
o changespeed
Internal use.
o NokiaOpen
Opening of IR communication with Nokia
o OpenIR
Internal use.
o CloseIR
Internal use.
o nokia_pullbyte
Internal use.
o send_window
Internal use.
o nokia_SendMessage
Sends a message (Nokia PDU), slicing it in different frames if needed.
o nokia_SetFrame
Builds a Nokia frame (header, checksum,) with datas given and sends it or puts it in transmit buffer pool if last frame sent not acknowledged.
o nokia_SendFrame
Internal use.
o nokia_SendAck
Internal use.
o NokiaEndOfOperation
Terminates a communication (closes Palm port) Sould send sort of "FIN" to phone but code unknown.
o StatusPrintF
Internal use.
o LogPrintF
Internal use.
o SetDebugLevel
Sets the debugging level (no effect if compiled without DEBUG)

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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